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Note: The Security Centre is only available to Positions that are members of Systems Administrator security group.

TriLine GRC is a Position-based system. In general, Positions and Titles remain static as people fill and are replaced in these Positions. When a new person replaces someone in an existing Position, it is a simple matter to edit the existing Position and to enter the new persons details into this Position. The new person will then immediately assume the Roles and Responsibilities of this Position. Meanwhile all history item of prior person are retained as being record by that prior person. As such, the filling of an existing position with new a person is a relative easy exercise in TriLine GRC.

A person must be recorded as a Position on the Security Centre Position tab to get a user id access the TriLine GRC system. A Person with a Portal user id, can only log into the Portal system

The Position is set up in roles of Responsibilities and Task action items. A Person fills the role of a Position.

What is a Position?

A Position identifies:

  1. A role within the organisation that has responsibilities for owning or managing Records in the various TriLine GRC modules
  2. Actioned by roles for completing task(s).

Each person with a TriLine GRC account is assigned to a Position. The usual practice is to make the TriLine GRC Position title the same as the person’s job title. Position titles are required to be unique in TriLine GRC. A person may occupy one or more positions, each with a unique Title, User id and password. Each Position will still have unique security accesses.

Position security

Each Position holder is given a user name and password to access TriLine GRC.

Note: Access can also be via Single Sign On setup. Email TriLine GRC Support support@trilinegrc.com for more information on this facility.

Assigning Security Rights to a Position

You assign Security Rights to a Position by making the Position a member of one or more Security Groups that have the necessary permissions. Higher Privileged Security Rights can also be granted by making the Position a member of one or more System Groups.

This has many benefits. For example, if an Administrator needs to change the Security Rights for all Managers, the Administrator only has to make the changes once in the ‘Managers’ Security Group, not to every Position within the group.

When a new incumbent takes over a Position

An advantage of using Positions is that the Administrator can simply change the personal details (name and email address) of a Position when a new incumbent takes over the role. This way, the new incumbent has access to the whole history of TriLine GRC activity for that Position, and will inherent all Roles and Responsibilities of the Position.

The Positions tab

The Positions tab displays all Positions that are TriLine GRC system users. Position’s can be added, edited and obsoleted. Position’s can be members of Task Teams and Security Groups. A Positions Role(s) Usage and IP address(es) usage can all be managed here.

The 'Positions' tab
The ‘Positions’ tab
The ‘Positions’ tab elements
The ‘Positions’ tab elements
ID Item Description
1 Layouts Panel Use the controls in this panel to save and load different grid layouts. The last icon is the ‘Reset grid’ option. Click this option to reset the columns in the grid to a default layout.
2 ‘Enter_text_to_search…’ field Enter text here to search and filter the visible columns in the List 4 .
3 Column Headers Use the controls in the column headers to filter the Records.
Perform advanced filtering of the List to find particular Records.
4 Positions list Displays the list of Positions in your TriLine GRC system.
5 ‘Show Security Group Membership’ icon Click this icon to show and, if required, change this Position’s Security Group’s membership.
6 ‘Show Task Team Membership’ icon Click this icon to show and, if required, change this Position’s Task Team’s membership.
7 ‘Show Usage’ icon Click this icon to view all Roles, Responsibilities and Actioned Bys associated with this Position and, if required, transfer Tasks and roles from the displayed Position to another Position (with the correct security access).
8 ‘IP Address Usage’ icon Click this icon to view all IP addresses used by this Position. Each IP address can be blocked or allowed.
9 ‘Transfer Roles’ icon Click this icon to display the bulk Transfer Roles and Responsibilities window.
10 Strong Password icon This icon displays if the Position has a strong password.
11 Weak Password icon This icon displays if the Position has a weak password.
12 ‘Edit Position’ icon Click this icon to edit this Position.
13 ‘Obsolete Position’ icon Click this icon to Obsolete the Position. The Bin icon appears when the position does not have an Actioned By role, or any responsibility in a record (excluding Closed Events and Registers records).
14 Page Navigation Panel Use the controls in this panel to move between List Pages and set the number of Position Records to get next.
15 ‘Hide/Show Column’ option Click this option to hide/show Position list columns using the Field Chooser.
17 ‘Load Position’ Option Click this Option to Load new Positions via a spreadsheet.
18 ‘Bulk Update’ Option Click this Option to Update existing Positions via a spreadsheet.
19 ‘Page Help’ Option Click this Option to view further help about this page.

Security Group Membership window

This window shows the Position’s Security Group and System Group Membership. Security Groups control access to the records and access to some Menu items.

The 'Security Group Membership' list
The ‘Security Group Membership’ list
Security Group Membership elements
‘Security Group Membership’ elements
ID Item Description
1 ‘Show_Security_Group_Membership’ icon Click this icon to show and, if required, change this Position’s Security Groups membership.
2 Position title The Position who’s Security Group Membership is being viewed.
3 Security Groups list Displays the list of System and Security Groups in your TriLine GRC system. Selected memberships of Security Groups are listed, alphabetically and at the top of the list. Unselected Security Groups are listed, alphabetically and under the Selected list.
4 Security Groups Membership checkbox Selected checkboxes are the Security Groups this Position has a membership. Unselected means there is no membership. Select or unselect as required to change Security Group membership.
5 ‘Save’ icon Click this icon to Save changes to memberships 4 of the Security Groups.

Task Team Membership window

This window shows the position’s Task Team Membership. Task Teams are used for ‘smart’ grouping of Task Actioned By positions.

Task Teams can also be used for restricted creation of selected Register Records (see ‘Configure Registers’ Help section for more information).

The 'Task Team Membership' list
The ‘Task Team Membership’ list
Task Team Membership elements
‘Task Team Membership’ elements
ID Item Description
1 ‘Show_Task_Team_Membership’ icon Click this icon to show and, if required, change this Position’s Task Team’s membership.
2 Position title The Position who’s Task Team Membership is being viewing.
3 Task Team list Displays the list of Task Teams in your TriLine GRC system. Selected members of Task Teams are listed, alphabetically and at the top of the list. Unselected Task Teams are listed, alphabetically and under the Selected list.
4 Task Team Membership checkbox Selected checkboxes are the Task Teams this Position has a membership. Unselected means there is no membership. Select or unselect as required to change Task Team membership.
5 ‘Save’ icon Click this icon to Save changes to memberships 4 of the Task Teams.

Show Usage window

This window shows the entire usage of this Position in TriLine GRC. It shows all Task Teams, Security Groups, Configuration roles, Record responsibilities and Task Actioned By roles that this Position has in the TriLine GRC system.

Responsibility and Actioned By roles can be transferred to another Position with the correct security access, from this window. Items with this facility are show with Transfer 6 icon next to the record.

Note: This Position’s Current Tasks cannot be seen here. Use My Summary to see Current Tasks. If the Obsolute icon is not showing after transferring all items, check this positions Current Tasks to make sure they are all completed or transferred.

The 'Show Usage' window
The ‘Show Usage’ window
Show Usage window elements
‘Show Usage’ window elements
ID Item Description
1 ‘Show Task Team Membership’ icon Click this icon to show Usage for this Position.
2 Position title This Position Show Usage is being displayed.
3 Column Headers Use the controls in the column headers to filter the Records.
Perform advanced filtering of the List to find particular Records.
4 Usage list Displays the Usage list of this Position.
5 Task Team indication Task allocated via a Task Team cannot be transferred here. The position must be remove or replaced in the Task Team itself.
6 ‘Transfer the Role/Responsibility’ icon Click this icon to transfer to another Position. Records that do not display this icon cannot be transferred, or changed here.
7 Page Navigation Panel Use the controls in this panel to move between List Pages and set the number of Position Records to get next.
8 ‘Export to Excel’ icon Click this icon to export the displayed Records.
9 ‘Close’ icon Click this icon to close this window.

IP Address List window

This window shows from which IP Addresses this Position has logged into TriLine GRC. For this Position, if any of the listed IP address is switched off, meaning they are blocked, the icon will display with an inside red dot instead of a white dot.

The 'IP Address List' window
The ‘IP Address List’ window
IP Address List window elements
‘IP Address List’ window elements
ID Item Description
1 Position title The Position who’s IP Addresses are displayed.
2 Column_Headers Use the controls in the Column Headers to filter the Records in the list.
3 IP Address list Displays the IP Address list of this Position.
4 ‘Valid’ switch If this switch is On (and blue), this IP address is valid. If this switch is Off (and grey), this Position will not be able to log in from this IP Address. Clicking the switch will change it from Off to On, or On to Off.
5 ‘Save changes’ button Click this button to save all changes to the switches 4.
6 ‘Cancel changes’ button Click this button to cancel all changes to the switches 4.
7 ‘Close’ icon Click this icon to close the window

Transfer Roles and Responsibilities window

This window displays all roles of the From Position that can be transferred to the selected Transfer To Position. If the Transfer To Position already has the same task, they cannot get it a second time. Roles that cannot be transferred are colour banded.

The 'Transfer Roles & Responsibilities' window
The ‘Transfer Roles & Responsibilities’ window
Transfer Roles & Responsibilities window elements
The ‘Transfer Roles & Responsibilities’ window elements
ID Item Description
1 ‘Transfer’ icon Click this icon to open the Transfer Roles and Responsibilities from your selected position window.
2 ‘Transfer To’ selector Click this field to select a Position to Transfer Roles and Responsibilities to.
3 ‘Drag a column header here to group by that column’ panel Drag columns here to group the List 5.
4 Column Headers Use the controls in the Column Headers to filter the Records in the list.
5 Rolls list Displays the list of Rolls of the from Position that the To Position has security access. Rows that are colour banded 10 and and do not contain a checkbox cannot be transfer to the selected Position; another Transfer To Position must be selected for those rolls.
6 ‘Select ALL’ checkbox Click this checkbox to select all available rolls for transfer to this Position. Click a second time to unselect all rolls.
7 ‘Select this record’ icon Click this checkbox to select this role to transfer to this Position. Click a second time to unselect this role.
8 ‘Save’ icon Click this icon to transfer the selected roles to the Transfer To Position.
9 ‘Export List’ icon Click this icon to export the List to Excel or Word.
10 Non Transferable role This Role cannot be transferred to the Transfer To Position. Another Transfer To Position must be selected for those Roles.
11 ‘Close’ icon Click this icon to close the window

The Obsolete Positions tab

TriLine GRC Positions that are no longer required and have been made Obsolete are listed here. If required, these positions can be re-activated.

The Obsolete Positions tab
The Obsolete Positions tab
The ‘Obsolete Positions’ tab elements
The ‘Positions’ tab elements
ID Item Description
1 Page Navigation Panel Use the controls in this panel to move between List Pages and set the number of Records to display per-page.
2 ‘Enter_text_to_search…’ field Enter text here to search and filter the visible columns in the List 4 .
3 Column Headers Use the controls in the column headers to filter the Records.
Perform advanced filtering of the List to find particular Records.
4 Obsolete Positions list Displays the list of Obsolete Positions in your TriLine GRC system.
5 ‘Edit’ Obsolete Position icon Click this icon to edit this Obsolete Position.
6 ‘Re-Activate Position’ icon Click this icon to Re-Activate this Obsolete Position.
7 ‘Show Usage’ icon Click this icon to view the Roles remaining with this Position.


Access the Security Centre Position tab

  1. From the main menu select Maintenance | Security Centre.

  2. The Security Centre page is displayed. Click the Positions tab.

Adding a new Position

Note: Review TriLine GRC New Position Invitation first if the Send Invitation feature is required.

Positions can be bulk loaded via a spreadsheet, or a position can be individually added using the ‘Add New Position’ icon. To add an individual TriLine GRC Position:

  1. Access the Security Centre Position tab.

  2. On the ‘Positions’ tab, click the Add 1 icon.

  3. The ‘Add New Position’ window is displayed. Complete items 1 through 12 in the ‘Add New Position’ window. See Table 6 for details of each field.

    Note: If you have two or more people with exactly the same First and Last name, be sure to add a middle initial to each First Name, so that each person can be uniquely identified by name.

  4. Click the ‘Save’ icon 13 to save the new Position. Check that the new Position appears in the list on the Positions tab (item 4).

The ‘Add New Position’ window elements
‘Add New Position’ window elements
ID Field Description
1 ‘Title’ field Enter an unique Job Title. This is what the Position is known as throughout TriLine GRC.
This title can match the person’s position title, or combined titles, within your organisation.
2 ‘First Name’ field Enter the first name of the person in the Position.

Note: If you have two or more people with exactly the same First and Last name, be sure to add a middle initial to each First Name, so that each person can be uniquely identified by name.
3 ‘Surname’ field Enter the last name of the person in the Position.
4 ‘User ID’ field Enter an unique ID that is used to successfully authenticate and log in to TriLine GRC.

Note: If your site is self hosted and TriLine GRC is configured to use Windows Authentication, the User ID must be the same as the user’s Windows login username.
5 ‘Password’ field Enter a password that is used to successfully authenticate and log in to TriLine GRC.

Note: If TriLine GRC is configured to use Windows Authentication, the Password must be the same as the user’s Windows login password.
6 ‘Password_Strength’_indicator The strength of the ‘Password’ is indicated here. A 5 star Password requires at least 8 characters, consisting of a combination of lower case characters, upper case characters, numbers and/or special characters. A password is mandatory to add a position, but the password strength entered here is entirely up to the administrator discretion as the new user will likely change it immediately anyway.
7 ‘Confirm Password’ field Re-type the Password, ensuring it matches what is in the ‘Password’ field.
8 ‘Email’ field Enter the email address of the person employed in the Position. This field is optional and can be left blank.
9 ‘Escalate To’ selector An optional field that determines who should be notified if a Task assigned to the Position becomes overdue. Click the dropdown to select an Escalation position.

Note: The default ‘Escalate To’ position can be overwritten at each individual Task this position is ‘Actioned By’.
10 ‘Display in Lists’ checkbox Tick this field to display this Position in the Position selection lists throughout TriLine GRC. Position selection lists consist of responsibility roles and Actioned By roles. Once security access is granted this will allow Tasks to be assigned to this Position.

Note: If you want a user to have access to TriLine GRC without being able to have Tasks assigned to them, un-tick this field.
11 ‘See Own Data Only’ checkbox Tick this field to restrict the Position’s access to Records and Tasks that the Position has no direct involvement with.

Notes: See the Glossary entry for important information about the differing visibility of the ‘See Own Data Only’ setting with Records and Tasks, particularly when the Position has responsibility.
12 ‘Send Invitation’ checkbox Tick this field to send an invitation email to this position on saving 13 this Position. The invitation will contain the content on the User Emails, TriLine GRC New Position Invitation sub tab.
13 ‘Save’ icon Click this icon to save the new Position. If ‘Send Invitation’ 12 is ticked, this will go out with this save action.
14 ‘Close’ icon Click to close the popup window without saving.

Editing an existing Position

Administrators can edit an existing Position via the ‘Edit Position’ window.

Note: Review TriLine GRC New Position Invitation first if Send Invitation is required.

  1. Access the Security Centre Position tab.

  2. On the ‘Positions’ tab, click the ‘Edit’ icon next to the Position you want to edit.

  3. The ‘Edit Position’ window is displayed. Update fields 1 through 12 as required. See The ‘Add New Position’ window elements for details of each field.

  4. Click the ‘Save’ 13 icon to save the edited Position.

Administrator Reset of a Positions password

Although Users can change their own passwords by following the procedure ‘Change your Password’, if required an Administrator can also change a users password. This feature can be particularly useful if the user is leaving the company and you wish to remove their access to the system.

  1. Edit the position.
  2. Type a new password 5. (Password strength is up to the administrators discretion.)
  3. Re-type the password 7.
  4. DO NOT check Send Invitation 12 checkbox as this will require this Position to enter a new Password.
  5. Save the changes 13.

Deleting a Position

From Version 2.2, Positions are no longer deleted from TriLine GRC, but are made Obsolete. By making the Positions obsolete, rather than completely deleting them from the system, the maintenance overhead require by the Administrator maybe greatly reduced. For Positions that are the Managed By of ‘Closed’ Events and Registers records, the Administrator no longer is required to transfer these ownership’s to other positions. (Register Tasks will still need to be transferred, see not below.) Administrators can Obsolete an existing Position by clicking the corresponding Bin icon in the list on the Security Centre ‘Positions’ tab.

A Position’s Bin icon will only appear when:

Note: Check a Positions roles by clicking the Show Usage icon.
For Position’s that are an Actioned By in a ‘Closed’ Register record, or in an Inactive Task, consider transferring these to the ‘Not Allocated’ position. (Never use ‘Not Allocated’ for Active Tasks, or for Tasks of ‘Open’ Register Record.)

To Obsolete a position:

  1. Access the Security Centre Position tab.

  2. On the ‘Positions’ tab, click the Bin icon next to the Position you want to remove.

  3. A ‘Do you want to make this position Obsolete’ dialog is displayed. Click OK to obsolete the Position (or Cancel if you have changed your mind).

  4. The Position will appear in the list on the ‘Obsolete Positions’ tab.

Update Position’s Security Groups

The records a position may access is determined by the position’s Security Group memberships.

To update a Position’s Security Groups membership:

  1. Access the Security Centre Position tab.

  2. Click on a Show Security Group Membership 1 icon to show the ‘Security Group Membership’ list next to the Position’s list.

  3. Select 2 or un-select 3 as required, from the Security Groups Memebership list.

  4. Click the Save 4 icon.

  5. Selected Security Groups will sort at the top of the Security Group Membership list. Un-selected Security Groups will sort under these.

  6. Click the Close window 5 icon to close this window.

Update Position’s Task Teams

Task Teams allow efficient allocation of Task’s Actioned By.

To update a Position’s Task Teams membership:

  1. Access the Security Centre Position tab.

  2. Click on a Show Task Team Membership 1 icon to show the ‘Task Team Membership’ list next to the Position’s list.

  3. Select 2 or un-select 3 as required, from the Task Team list.

  4. Click the Save 4 icon.

  5. Selected Task Teams will sort at the top of the Task Team Membership list. Un-selected Task Teams will sorted under these.

  6. Click the Close window 5 icon to close this window.

Manage Position Usage

Use the ‘Position Usage’ window to see a complete list of every role and responsibility for a Position. From the Position Usage window, an Administrator can permanently transfer responsibility roles and Actioned By roles to another Position.

Show where a Position is Used

The Show Usage window shows all Task Teams, Security Groups, configuration roles, record responsibilities and task Actioned By roles that this Position has in the TriLine GRC system. Responsibility and Actioned By roles can be transferred to another Position from this window. Removing Positions from Tasks that they are a member of a Task Team, must be done from the Positions or Tasks Teams tab.

  1. Access the Security Centre Position tab.

  2. Click on the ‘Show Usage’1 icon. The Position ‘Usage’ window displays.

  3. The Position ‘Usage’ window displays. Use Scrolling and filtering to the list 2 of records as required.

Note: Item 6 is an Action By Task that is allocated by being a member of a Task Team. The Task Team membership must be updated to change this; it cannot not be done from this window.

Single Role Transfer from Show Usage

  1. Access the Security Centre Position tab.

  2. Click on the ‘Show Usage’ icon next to the Position you want to edit. The Position ‘Usage’ window is displayed.

  3. Click the ‘Transfer’ 1 icon of the item that you wish to transfer.

  4. The ‘Transfer’ window is displayed. Select a Position from the ‘Transfer To’ 1 drop-down list. (This list only contains Positions with the correct security access to take this Role, and in the case of a task, Positions that do not already have this task to action.) Click the ‘Save’ 2 icon to transfer the Role to the selected Position. (Or, click the ‘Close’ 3 icon to cancel this transfer.)

  5. When the ‘Transfer’ is completed, the window closes with a confirming message. The transferred item is no longer displayed in this list. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for any other items you want to transfer to another Position.

Bulk Transfer Roles and Responsibilities

This function facilitates the bulk transfer of Roles and Responsibilities from one Position to another Position where this ‘To’ Position has the correct Security access.

Note: Security membership(s) of the ‘To’ Position may need to be added in order to be able to transfer items on the ‘From’ Positions list.

  1. Access the Security Centre Position tab.

  2. On the Position record of interest, click on the ‘Transfer’ 1 icon.

  3. The Transfer Roles & Responsibilities from: your chosen Position 1 window is displayed. Click the ‘Transfer To’ field to display the List of Transfer Position. These Positions, will have Security Access to at least one of the from Positions items. Click the To Position 3.

  4. The selected ‘Transfer To’ 1 Position’s list of items they have Security access to will display in the List. Select All 2items, or select/unselect one or more items 3 individually. (Items that cannot be transferred, will appear without a Transfer 3 checkbox.) The number of items 4 selected will display at the bottom of the list. Click the Save 5 icon. (Or, click the ‘Close’ 3 icon to cancel this transfer.)

  5. The confirming window appears. Click the OK 1 button to complete the transfers. Or, click the Cancel 2 button to cancel the transfer.

  6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 until you have transferred the required Roles.

  7. Use Show Usage to see what items remain with the ‘From’ Position.

When a role is merged with another role

Organisations sometimes restructure and combine two or more roles into one. TriLine GRC Administrators can transfer a Position’s Tasks and roles to another Position when this occurs. Then Obsolete the Position that is no longer required.

Note: TriLine GRC security provisions apply during the transfer—a target Position will not be able to access transferred Records for which the target Position doesn’t have Security Rights.

Manage Position IP Usage

Each time a Position logs into TriLine GRC from an new IP Address, this IP Address is recorded against this Position. Administrators can block and unblock a Position’s login against each recorded IP Address.

If a Position logs in with a new IP Address, they will receive an email notification that asks ‘is that you?’. If they decide it is not them and click the link that immediately blocks their IP Address, the Administrator can use this facility to re-allow access for this Position at this IP Address.

Show IP Usage for a Position

  1. Access the Security Centre Position tab.

  2. On the Position record of interest, click on the ‘IP Usage’ 1 icon. If the IP Usage icon contains a red circle, it indicates this Position has blocked IP Address.

  3. The ‘IP Address List’ window for the selected Position 1 displays.

Block or Unblock an IP Address for a Position

  1. Show IP Usage for a Position. To block an IP Address, ‘switch off’ 1 the Valid selector for the required IP Address. To unblock an IP Address, ‘switch on’ 2 the Valid selector for the required IP Address. When selections are completed, a counter 3 displays the number of changes selected. Changes can be Saved 5 or Cancelled 6. To preview all selected changes, click the Preview Changes 4 button.

  2. Only the selected changes are displayed. Click the ‘Save Changes’ 1 button to Save. (Or, click the ‘Cancel Changes’ 2 button to cancel.)

  3. The IP Address List is displayed with the updates. Click the close window 1 icon to close this window.

Manage Obsolete Position

Access the Obsolete Positions tab

  1. From the main menu select Maintenance | Security Centre.

  2. The Security Centre page is displayed. Click the Obsolete Positions tab. The list of Obsolete Positions are displayed.

Edit Obsolete Position

If required, the details of an Obsolete Position can updated.

  1. Access the Obsolete Positions tab.

  2. Click the Edit 1 icon of the Position to be edited.

  3. The Edit Position window is displayed. Update fields 1 through 5 as required. Click the Save 6 icon to save changes. (or, click the ‘Cancel’ 7 icon to cancel.)

  4. The Obsolete list displays with the updates to this Position.

Activate Obsolete Position

If required, a position can be ‘recycled’ to being an Active position. Unless the same person is re-occupying this position, in general it is not recommended to do this, particularly if Events or Register records are showing in the Show Usage for this Obsolete Position.

To Activate an Obsolete Position:

  1. Access the Security Centre Position tab.

  2. On the ‘Obsolete Positions’ tab, click the ‘Activate Obsolete Position’ 1 icon.

  3. A ‘Do you want to make this position Active’ dialog is displayed. Click the OK 1 button to Activate the Position (or the Cancel 1 button to cancel).

  4. The Position will disappear from the Obsolete Position list and re-appear in the Positions list on the Positions tab. Further editing of this position and updating to security memberships, must be done there.

Show Usage Obsolete Position

  1. Access the Security Centre Position tab.

  2. On the ‘Obsolete Positions’ tab, click the ‘Show Usage’ 1 icon.

  3. The Show Usage window displays. Any still attached records, such as Closed Events or Registers will be listed, but in general, most likely, this list will be empty.

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